F Takbull-en – תקבול


Payments & Invoicing

Israeli business service

Takbull's system

Takbull software is a secure cloud system with payment processing and customer invoicing for business's 

 Accessible from any device : Desktop pc, Mobile phone, Laptops, Tablets
API and custom addon to e commerce for payments and invoicing

Takbull Services

Business Invoicing

Smart digital invoice with all the business documents your business need. The invoice is digitally secured and signed and has the Israeli tax service approval for digital invoicing software. You can send your Takbull digital invoice via mail or WhatsApp with a comprehensive report system, and easy CPA export

Credit card payment

Credit card payment processing made simple with a fast setup which allow's your business to accept
Visa MasterCard
American Express
Isracard Diners​

Takbull WordPress plug-in

Takbull plugin's for credit card payments and automated invoicing works with : Woo commerce for E commerce, Cartflows advanced checkout and marketing funnels, Paid Membership Pro for members zone and recurring billing, WCFM from Wclovers multivendor marketplace  



Takbull marketplace has an advanced woo commerce store with built in organic and funded promotions for the shops products. the marketplace allows you to open your virtual store with zero effort and get an advanced virtual store with Takbull payments and invoicing already incorporated 

Takbull Paypage

 create your checkout with Takbull paypage you can paste the link on your website or facebook page or sent it directly with whats app or email the paypage can be for one or multiple products and produces an automated invoice

API Takbull

API documentation for developers with example code and a sandbox for credit card transactions, automated  invoicing, tokenization, with Takbull api will connect your web application to all Takbull business solutions

Our packages

Starter package

For a small business
0 Monthly cost
  • 50 Documents
  • Payment processing
  • Payment page
  • Price listing
  • Fast client list
  • Dashboard
  • Digital signing

Medium package

For a busy small business
59 Monthly cost
  • 200 Documents
  • Payment processing
  • 5 Payment pages
  • Recurring billing
  • Price listing
  • Fast client list
  • Dashboard
  • Digital signing

Premium package

For high activity
99 Monthly cost
  • Unlimited documents
  • Payment processing
  • Product payment pages
  • API connection
  • Recurring billing
  • Price listing
  • Fast client list
  • Dashboard
  • Digital signing

Questions & Answers

Producing 50 documents in Takbull's cloud and an advanced Dasbord. create a customers list for fast documentation

If you need to charge a credit-card note that there is a setup fee for the establishment of the terminal depending on the type of business but has no monthly costs 

With the free package a business can contact support via mail and we will respond within 1 hours on a business day . paid pakages have a call center sun- thu 08:00-18:00 

you can open a ticket in takbull and our representatives will contact you ASAP 

You need to open an IRS tax id with an israely CPA

private persons cannot sign up

The terminal is inside Takbull secure cloud and allows the user to insert a client credit card information and get immediate approval on the transaction with an automated invoice. Takbull service and support will help with any question on the terminal








I needed a system the could bill my clients monthly and send an automated tax invoice, i saw one of my clients use it and i signed up for free to tried and haven't looked back since
strategy consultant
i was looking for a new invoice book and saw Takbull offers a free 20 documents package. i always wanted to try going digital and with Takbull i finally did it
aerobics instructor
After paying heavy monthly bills i was looking to cut costs i saw takbull payment page and contacted them they gave me the best price for value and i switched
web hosting

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